24 July 2010

Education is Key!

      Ok, so I'm going to stop fooling myself and realize that most people "know" they understand the basics behind STI prevention. But let's be honest, nobody does. High school Sex Education is limited in its resources, emphasis, and enthusiasm. I mean what teacher what to teach a bunch of teenagers about condoms? Heck, I had a private school education, rated highly in the state. However due to "religious ethics" I only touched on Sex once and it was in 5th grade.

     So, I ask people to merely to take a look at this quiz. Just test your knowledge, maybe you'll learn about how Herpes can make it so that you never rid your face of sores that look like ADVANCED ACNE! I found this educational quiz online and it's credentials are more than substantial. Try it out!

     And to fit in with my "Fighting the Stereotype" spiel, gays are seen as being airheads that only care about sex. Maybe in realizing the truth about blow jobs (a.k.a. Oral Sex) you might be a bit wiser to the facts...

Link:   STI Quiz- Provided by Dr. Jill Grimes

    Just a little quip about the STI quiz: Yes, I realize that there are a lot of questions regarding STI infections in the vaginal region. But guys please realize that it's important to know both sides of the story. Who knows, maybe 15 years down the road you might find out that you like girls. Or heck there might actually be girls on this site that need to know both sides of the story.

27 March 2010

Want to buy my Wii?

     Craigslist.org notorious for cheep prices and even cheeper people. Craigslist has sections dedicated to "lost connections", men seeking "relationships", men seeking NSA (No Strings Attached) sex and much more. Craigslist has become a way for men/women/transgender people to become free hookers. It was once said, "The Internet will bring tremendous things", Craigslist's Personals is an exception.

     Now not to write an advising column, but people... really? I feel like no one is aware of STIs anymore! Whether you have oral or anal sex, hell, even aggressive rubbing with a perfect stranger allows for the contraction of STIs; there is such thing as monogamous relations. Even by looking at this new name change you can even see how infectious STIs have become increasingly populate. From Sexually Transmitted Diseases to Sexual Transmitted Infections this result occurred due to the number of newly infected having a significant presence; they were able to change the name to something seemingly less terminal. This should be warning enough!

     To end my rant, I am just going to ask this: Why is it essential for the gay community to engage in random and promiscuous sex?

25 March 2010

Change of Heart

I am writing this entry as a first of many. I don't know how people are going to take to this blog, and I hope it eventually serves a purpose. But I started this account with the hopes of spreading my wisdom through imagination... I realized there are more pressing matters.

Homosexuals today are subject to the worst kinds of treatment from "friends", "family", and even "superiors". We are a minority group, and we are subject to discrimination. Worst of all we are judged and given stereotypes!

To the ignorant, we are: freaks, homos, gays, cock suckers, lint lickers, queer, faggots, fags, etc. But what is even worse, is that to our own SO (sexual orientation) group we are: twinks, bears, SM (sadomasochists), kinky, Queens, flamboyant, "Kamp", "Butch", lipstick lesbian, slaves, etc. Look at these two different view points... do you see the pattern? Homosexuals don't view each other with respect, and unfortunately many young homosexuals find they need to prove themselves.

Talking from experience, often when a homosexual male reaches 18, he "realizes" that he can do anything. Legally an adult, able to go to clubs, stay out past curfew, watch porn, subject one's self to craigslist (ugh :\), and become intimate with an older man. At 18, we are empowered to explore the world and our sexuality; but decisions like this should be reserved for a more mature mind. I will admit, I have had some past encounters that were bad decisions; but, unlike many of the people I know I have learned from them.

I am going to keep this short; so basically we as homosexuals need to realize that just because we are gay, and 18+ doesn't mean we are invincible. We, coming of age, should learn to maintain our morals and our sexual conduct. Otherwise we as a SO group, will perish to AIDS, HIV, HPV and much more!